🎙️ EP 20 : How to make time for Coaching

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Podcast Show Notes

In this podcast, we talk about one of the most common objections to coaching when we are a People Leader: That we just don’t have the time for it.

Well, firstly, one thing is evident: We can’t create or make time. Which means, we have to use what we have.

One false belief that many Leaders have is that they have to carve out time for new coaching meetings. This may not be necessary! Do we really need additional meetings, just to find time to coach?

1. Use what you have.

I propose that we become a bit more coach-like in our existing meetings. Look at your calendar. In which of your existing meetings can you already be a lot more coach-like? Very likely, there is an opportunity for you in your 1-1s to be curious a little longer and share your own advice later.

So let us get comfortable using what is already in our calendars!

2. Become more intentional in your meetings!

When we start looking at our existing 1-1s, we can realize that there is a lot of potential to be a bit more coach-like.

It all starts with not allowing excuses to skip 1-1s. Happened to me a lot during my ‘busy’ times.

What prevents you from asking a few (curiosity-driven!) questions at the beginning of your meeting?

Well, like for any good performance, you need to prepare. Yet, most Leaders think they can just ‘wing it’ in their 1-1s. Unless there is negative feedback to give, most People Leaders won’t put any special time in preparing. Preparation could mean that you have at least 1 open question prepared and ready. This helps because it puts you in a coaching mindset

Being more intentional also means that you stop trying to be the hero in every single issue and problem that pops up in front of you.

3. Stop using the excuse of time.

Let’s get real on this. We all have the same amount of time at our disposal. The brutal truth behind a phrase such as ‘I don’t have time’ is ‘I prioritized in a way that I am not comfortable to share with you. It assumes an inevitability that in most cases is not there. True? Think about it. If something is truly important to us, we find time for it.

Listen to the podcast to get more depth on these ideas!


Maik Frank

Maik is a PCC Executive Coach and the founder of IntelliCoach.com. He has coached and trained over 400 People Leaders to improve their communication skills and offers guaranteed measurable growth to his clients. He also hosts the Coaching Leader Podcast.

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